This website was created to provide a valuable resource to learn about Dyslexia from my perspective, an adult dyslexic that has had a good financial, technical, entrepreneurial career, family life, and many creative opportunities. I want to add my voice to the conversation of what dyslexia is and what it isn’t. Specifically, I want to provide:
- Emotional Support to dyslexic adults and youth.
- Correct Misunderstandings about dyslexia and how it may affect learning, communicating, and thinking abilities.
- Resource of Information that has been personally selected and commented by myself.
I have audio-processing disorder, sometimes called phonological disorder, which has taylored my learning and living experiences. I am sensitive to all differences that affect learning and communications including ADD, ADHD, Aspbergers, Autism, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, and the various reasons for Dyslexia. Though, there is a broad spectrum of how dyslexia is manifested in people, maybe a more detail description of my life, my thoughts, my perspective, my experiences, and sharing of selected resources that mean something to me and the organization of my mind will help others discover the wonderful diversity of people and the beauty of our existence. You may find my association of diverse topics and material humorous, silly, enlightening, and sometimes ridiculous.
I’ve included the video documentation below which message aligns with the purpose of this website. The second half has many testimonials from successful dyslexics and professionals that talk about the value of nurturing those with special gifts and abilities.
Please join this website to post you comments and get notifications of important additions. Feel free to communicate directly by sending emails to “me at GordonsMind dot com”.
Embracing Dyslexia (50+ minutes)
Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that is neurological in origin. Individuals with dyslexia have trouble with reading, writing, and spelling despite having at least an average intelligence. It is estimated that 15 to 20 percent of the population is dyslexic but most are never identified or diagnosed and left to struggle their entire life.
Usually, I don’t leave a remark, but you’re writing is great.