Lot’s of boards and pins on Pinterest for and about dyslexia. Here’s a great one called Dyslexic Diamonds . Lead with an image then added supportive words. Pinterest is great for the visual thinkers. Check out: Four Things All Educators Should Understand About the Dyslexic Brain -edutopia.org The Gift of Being a Dyslexic Teacher -edutopia.org […]
Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story
The was a TV Movie made about Ben Carson who was a successful pediatric brain surgeon. Click on the above picture to go to the YouTube movie. I found the movie interesting because it depicted a young but smart boy who was called dummy. Ben’s own words can be found in the Achievement.org website. “We […]
Fonts or Thumbs for Directional Assistan...
Recently, people are asking me about the value of fonts designed for those with dyslexia. Specifically they have pointed me to OpenDyslexic Font and Dyslexie Font . The both say that these fonts increase readibility for readers with dyslexia. This is misleading since dyslexia has many causes and different symptoms. The implication that a solution […]
The Orton-Gillingham Approach
Samuel Torrey Orton (1879-1948), a neuropsychiatrist and pathologist, was a pioneer in focusing attention on reading failure and related language processing difficulties. He brought together neuroscientific information and principles of remediation. As early as the 1920s, he had extensively studied children with the kind of language processing difficulties now commonly associated with dyslexia and had […]
The Listening Program
The Listening Program®(TLP) is a music listening method, personalized to improve brain fitness at any age or level of ability. Used and trusted by hundreds of thousands of people in over 35 countries, TLP is offered through our international network of trained providers. TLP has global effects on the brain, and is commonly used to […]
Multiple Labels by Multiple Authorities
There are many different views, categories, and experts speaking-out about Dyslexia. There are different theories and opinions from educators, psychologist, geneticists, and special type of scientists called neurologists. The classification buckets are different depending upon the expert’s purpose and perspective. Educators want to make the variations of Dyslexia and Learning Disabilities into fewer categories for […]
Utopia or Dystopia
Why are there so many books and movies about overcoming the post apocalyptic world order? There’s the “Hunger Games” and the “Divergent” series. I’ve got two kids reading the quartet that starts with “The Giver”. It’s seems like the future leaders are going to want to fit people into 4 or 5 categories or have a […]